Chances are, you understand the frustration of lying awake in bed with a busy mind. Stress from the day can keep even the most exhausted of individuals up at night.
Once stress has sent you into a sleep rut, it can feel difficult—if not impossible—to get out of it.
However these ten ways can all facilitate your mind and body to relax for you to be able to get the restorative sleep you're after.
1. Avoid technology. Ban your smartphone, PC and television from your bedroom, and avoid using them at least an hour before bed. The screen of digital screens emit a blue light, that suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin.
2. Eat healthy. Having a healthy diet improves sleep generally, however some foods are significantly beneficial like milk, chicken, turkey and pumpkin seeds. They contain the chemicals tryptophane and serotonin, which are very important for producing of melatonin, the hormone that stimulates sleep.
3. Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine and Cigarettes. Caffeine (tea, coffee, cola drinks) and nicotine in cigarettes are all stimulants that may keep you awake. While alcohol does induce sleep, it does not promote quality sleep. Regular consumption of alcohol greatly disrupts the sleep cycle.
4. Exercise daily. Regular exercise is thought to bring great sleep. But, it is advisable to not workout or do any exercises 2-3 hours before bed as the high heart rate that exercises bring prevent restorative sleep, which is ultimately counterintuitive.
5. Go to sleep at a fixed time. Aim to go to bed round the same time each night, no matter that is. Some studies have found that the particular time you sleep doesn’t matter—it’s more about regularly going to sleep at the same time every night.
6. Make a relaxation routine. Having a shower, listening to calming music or reading a book are some options to add into a relaxation night routine to promote good sleep.
7. Focus on your breathing. Deep breathing exercise will facilitate calm an anxious mind. It triggers a relaxation response and helps declutter our mind.
8. Avoid dozing in the day. Sleeping during the day can create can make it mich more troublesome to sleep well at night. If a nap is absolutely necessary, then limit it to about twenty to thirty minutes.
9. Don’t lie awake looking at the Clock. One of the worst things you will do once attempting to fall asleep is to ‘clock-watch’. This sets up anxiety as you count the minutes and hours. If you absolutely need an alarm in the bedroom, make sure you turn it away from your sight.
10. Take a break. If you can’t fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, get out of bed and skim a book. Don't go back to sleep until you're sleepy – not just tired.
If you are still having problems sleeping and it's impacting your overall well-being, make an appointment to see your doctor.