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101 Video Ideas For Real Estate Agents

After creating over 101 ideas for video content within the real estate industry Sue Moses, of Video Confidence Coach, is encouraging agents to really look at the kind of marketing they are producing and who it is talking to.

Agents have to keep in mind that owners are not savvy with real estate lingo such as contracts issued and groups through. You have to separate yourself on social media and not speak as though you are in a sales meeting. Your main goal on social media should be aimed at “stopping the scroll”. Keep in mind that people are looking at their social media platforms on the way to work, or when kicking back on the lounge at night time. They are not in buyer mode, and do not respond to overt advertising videos. Your video content must spark curiosity to have cut through the clutter on Newsfeeds.

Now is the perfect time to really show your expertise in the industry, says Bespoke Media Group’s Nic Fren. There is so much content available to inspire, educate and guide a home seller who is thinking about making a shift in Spring, to start to get ready now.

By offering quality information, in an entertaining way, you have a higher chance of capturing and engaging that homeowner to at least pick up the phone and call. Spring might seem a lifetime away, however, it’s only 12 weekends. When you look at a family who works full time and has things to do with the kids on the weekend, you can start to see why it’s worth starting a conversation early, Mr Fren says.

Agents sell & market property every day Ms Moses says. However, selling and marketing yourself on Social Media requires a different approach. One idea is to show what you do behind the scenes.

It takes me back to a time when I was selling a terrace in Paddington Mr Fren says. We had to get the property ready for market and it took a few months. We had to clean up the gardens, paint the kitchen, replace the carpets, get quotes for styling, remove a lot of furniture and then of course, the photos and floorplans to start the marketing campaign.

I wanted to showcase the work as an agent I did leading up to the commencement of the campaign. That’s what the owners wanted to see. Not just the results, but the work that goes on behind the scenes.

These are real missed opportunities Ms Moses suggests. By all means showcase your successes, but also take the opportunity to get to know your local businesses and promote them, walk around an open home and show buyers the intricacies of a home and why the owners love it. People can be intrigued by real estate and the day to day goings on, but don’t respond well to hype or jargon in News Feed videos.

Remember to produce the kind of information your audience wants to know about, not what you think they do, and to speak like you’re at a BBQ with friends and family, not in a Sales meeting.

Written by Bespoke Media Group


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