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How to win a listing for $150

There’s more to social media marketing than just “putting a photo up on Facebook or Instagram”.

That’s an absolute minimum requirement, and to be honest, you would be lucky to achieve a result, simply from a random post.

While this has happened multiple times in my career, it’s the exception, not the rule. Many agents who you see as successful on social media have a strategy in place that works for them.

For some, it might mean directing traffic to their socials through either other marketing platforms or, putting a budget behind a post or ad.

While dropping $20 on a boost might seem like you are “doing social media”, you are pretty much just wasting your time & money.

Let’s look at some ways to REALLY USE the social media platforms, to not only get your properties and your brand out there, but also, get results.

1.Use the database you already have

You have spent time building your email list. Use it. Incorporate it into your Facebook ads manager account and create targeted ads to hit the exact people who will be interested in the kind of property you are looking to promote.

2. Pixels

Using the pixels on on your website, you can retarget to those who have visited your website prior. These are people who have a specific interest in you or your business, and above all, real estate.

3. Lead gen forms.

Tease your audience with a teaser video. We currently have 101+ video content ideas available in the portal for agents to use to engage their audiences. By offering a property pre-market and asking the viewer to submit their interest in the form of supplying you their details, not only are you providing value to your audience, you are also building your database, which you can use in future promotions.

These three types of ads are going to benefit more so than just dropping $20 on a boosted post. As a minimum, you should be spending at least $150 on a promotion for 7 days to get anything worthwhile out of it.

For scripts, dialogues & generic campaign reports to use in the field, head over to our

agent portal now. The most successful document for listings when it comes to social media is our stadium sized audience PDF, so be sure to download it.

Written by Nic Fren


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