How would you feel knowing that 'leads' are 4 hours away or you (without you knowing) are having your marketplace telling you to fuck off because of the poorly built chatbots that make up the strategy to getting you 100 leads in 90 days. Well it's happening.
Sounds ridiculous right?
About as ridiculous as finding 100 people per month in your patch who are selling?

Imagine for a second this conversation was happening with a homeowner in your marketplace from your Facebook page, without you knowing.
This is your brand and reputation at stake. Within seconds, this agent has completely destroyed any credibility with this property owner due to the setup of this poorly built chatbot.
The user doesn't have the ability to opt out of the chat and the auto responses show no ability to assess the users mood or message to respond appropriately.
The drop off rate with quite a few accounts I've seen recently are around a staggering 92% after the first automated message received by the chatbot.
Having this type of image being projected to your marketplace is one thing, that's even if your message is being delivered to your marketplace. In order to make up the numbers promised, I'm seeing leads coming through can be hours away from the agent. In order to generate the 100 leads, quite often the net needs to be spread far and wide to make up the numbers. Something that's not going to benefit many agents or agency owners.
A strategy that was designed to make prospecting easy and have leads coming in without picking up the phone has not only not generated a lead, had ramifications on the agents reputation, generated enquiry from people you are never going to transact with, it's also wasted a lot of time, energy and money.
Most agents just want the leads coming through without t0o much attention being paid to how that occurs, but it's extremely important for anyone handing over their online reputation for a third party to manage, to monitor their strategy closely. You spend years building your authority in your area and your marketer should be working closely with you to ensure the message you are delivering is on brand and your reputation protected.
Being in a tight market at the moment, I can understand the attraction to 100 leads in 90 days, however, the cold hard truth is there is no magic bullet to being a success on social media.
If you are wanting leads or enquiry through your channels, the first thing you need to do is build an audience and engage with them. Simply gaining email addresses to sit in your CRM only to send out weekly OFI's won't do much to strengthen your relationship with them.
People care about what they care about and don't particularly want to do all the work for you.
My top tips for agents looking to do lead generation on socials are:
1) Show up daily with LIVE facebook, instagram or TikTok videos and send those out to your database if appropriate.
2) Offer value. As agents we have so much knowledge about what's going on in the market at the moment.
3) Remember, people might want to sell in 3 months instead of today, so what's your message to them?
Lead generation campaigns on social media work, and work well. However, they are carefully crafted, bespoke campaigns that need to suit an individual agent and marketplace.
If you would like to know how Bespoke Media Group can help you in your marketplace, please reach out to Paul at pr@bespokemediamanagement.com
Nic Fren
Bespoke Media Group